Dèwi Hijau Sama Sang Naga Suci
The Green Goddess With Holy Dragon
oil on linen, 80-60 Roy James Döhne
Juni 2000
+ left & right: IndonesianVCD
...An Artistic form of Mysticism...
The ritual ceremonies special dedicated to the Ratu Kidul have been named after the Pesta Labuhan, usually kept at the fishing-village of Pelabuhan Ratu at the beginning of April. The local population lines up "en masse" to honour and to bring respect upon pro- minent and important deceased. Above all things and creatures they honour an invisible female divine. On the island of Sumba every start of the New Year some elder men make the announcement of the Pasola Ceremony. They meditate for nights, watching and viewing the walk with the Moon. Time is up for the Ikan Nyale, one wormy little fish, which shows up out of the depths of the Ocean. At this precise moment the old wise men make the sign to start the Pasola-Rite. One's say this is a relic out of ancient times, when the "female ocean" still waged war against the "male mountain"! To the people of the island of Sumba the Ikan Nyale symbolizes the "beginning of life", with a message of the Goddess Of The Indian Ocean aka South-Sea; again She gives up a part of Her Body...every year. Apart from that the population of the island of Lombok (Orang Sasak, Sasak people) do know this ritual as well!!! The best-known festive days people celebrate in the center of Java, kept by the Keratons/Palaces. From all over the country people come to see the very expressive court-dances with the famous epics out of the Rama- yana and the Mahabharata. The famous gesture out of ancient times is the Sembah made to high qualified persons and can be seen when the exquisite Court-dances are performed on stage of the Pendåpå within the Keraton. The cross-legged sit of the Silå is as beautifull as legendary even named in Jozua 18,1 as the biblical sanctuary at the desert-city of Silo where the round-dance of the maidens got beloved and well-known everywhere please, go and see the sacred 9 Bedhåyå-dancers. just click on the picture of the dancer... |
MAS AGUS want to know more about the mystery of
the KERIS, an high-qualified and spiritual object...
meet Mas Agus and his spirit-guide "Soemiyati"
Pojok Singabarong Keris Corner
Alun-alun 2 Lor Keraton Kasunanan Kartasura
Solo/Kartasura - Central-Java
NAGA RAJA oil-on-linen painting by MAS AGUS
You want to see for more ...stay tuned!
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Updated: 09 - 06 - 2024