The predominant existence with
Mother Nature scenery seems to have survived around here, not disturbed at all. Thence yet the utmost unequal way of life can be found, so it does not seem bizar the myths and legends took the leading part and developed until nowaday! At the background still the roaring of the ever raged ocean! Possibly not that strange to award Her with the leading part in all the natural phenomena! The Javanese knew to find their ways in the spiritual world, just like a lot of the nations living with nature. We know the Hopi-Indians, the Aboriginals, the Maori's, the Eskimo's/Inuits, the ancient Chineses and others... |
One specimen of the highest qualified arts by "Lady Water" and "Mother Nature" you can find at the South-coast of Java. The sacred cave of Gua Langsé has been visited by Lady Water and Mother Nature beheld and kept the wonderfull superb polished limestone cave.To reach the sacred cave with a special chamber known as the "Throne Of The South-Sea Goddess" is very difficult.Yet the Javanese and pil- grims willingly come to this sacral place near the South of Jogyakarta, Gunung Kidul. |
Within nature the elements do fulfil a crucial role which often has been forgotten.The want to revive the need of those elements got back again, like with the "New Wave" of the "New Age". The ten- dency for spirituality and the realization about material things do reach again the form of animism, once the liaison long ago in ancient times. The speciality within the scenery of Java has been unlimited, for instance like the peculiar Coronation- Flower the Wijaya Kesuma, the ablazed wood of Kayu Pèlèt,the edi- ble birdsnests and the exis- tence of the manatee, lamentine sea-cow dugong the na- me for those om- nipre- sent Ikan Duyungs ...... |
Perilous stunts the edible-bird's nest and flower gatherers and the shadow- hunters have to practice. With the result of be in possession of the every where known edible bird's nests, the Sarang Burung or the remarkable Coronation-flower, the Bunga Wijaya Kesuma for the benefit of the Susuhunan of Solo/Surakarta. All the special powers of these pro- ducts of nature will bring success,happiness,welfare, good luck and triumph. Whether the sea-swallow/Salangane and the Pysonia Sylvestris flower indeed grant for some supernatural powers the scientific researchers can't inform about. But they do not make resist the powers come from supernatural spheres... When the question arises about the "area" of the Goddess Of The Southern Ocean the resear- chers of science do sneer and do grimaces upon which one individual nods assent... |
!Frans Erkelens has painted me!
...the wijaya kesumå... & ...birds-nest...
Penawaran Istimewa Aspek Yang Wanita, Wijaya Kesuma
Speciaal Offer Van Het Vrouwelijke Aspect, Wijaya Kesuma
Special Offer Of The Female Aspect, Wijaya Kesuma
oil on linen
Frans Erkelens 1996
!It was a great honour to have posed for this painting!
!See here the special offering to the Female Divine!
!The legend of the Holy Wijåjå Kusumå flower!
Matur Nuwun...Thanks A Lot
to Frans Erkelens, who used to be my painting teacher
!!! of the famous 7 Dutch Meta-realists out of the 70's...!!!..
...out of nature... cyber to... culture...
thanks for visiting
Updated: 09 - 06 - 2024